In the margin on the right side of the blog, there is a list of few informative websites.
a) The first website under "more information" entitled "Save the Whales," is a fun site. Since blue Whales are an endangered species, it is important that we do something to keep them safe. This site will tell us what we can do to help our fellow mammals.
b) The second website under "more information" entitled "National Geographic," is an educated profile of the blue whale. This site lists several important facts about blue whales and explains to us why they are important to their fellow creatures in the ocean.
c) The first site under "whale videos" entitled "South Pacific Whale," allows us to listen to the sounds a whale makes. This is a real recording of a South Pacific Whale. It allows us to experience the communication that goes on in the deep ocean.
d) The second site under "whale videos" entitled "Planet Earth,"is an educational video recorded by the BBC. The BBC is know for its incredible shots of ocean animals. This gives us a glimpse into the life of these whales. We can see how they mate, breed, communicate and eat.
e) The third and last site under "whale videos" entitled "National Geographic," talks about the songs of these whales. As we have learned, these sounds have different meanings. This video goes into detail to help us learn what exactly the purpose of these calls is.